Toscana Saporita - Massaciuccoli, LU

Indirizzo: Via Pietra a Padule al Sasso, 5102, 55050 Massaciuccoli LU, Italia.
Telefono: 3358129442.
Sito web:
Specialità: Scuola di cucina, Corso di cucina.
Altri dati di interesse: Bagno accessibile in sedia a rotelle, Tavoli accessibili in sedia a rotelle.
Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 8 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 4.6/5.

Posizione di Toscana Saporita

Toscana Saporita è una scuola di cucina italiana situata a Indirizzo: Via Pietra a Padule al Sasso, 5102, 55050 Massaciuccoli LU, Italia. Questa scuola di cucina offre un'esperienza unica per coloro che desiderano imparare l'arte culinaria italiana.

La scuola è facilmente raggiungibile con una breve passeggiata dalla stazione ferroviaria di Viareggio e offre un ambiente accogliente e stimolante per gli studenti. Il telefono di contatto è Telefono: 3358129442 e il loro sito web è Sito web:

Toscana Saporita offre una varietà di corsi di cucina per soddisfare le esigenze di ogni studente. Le loro specialità includono Specialità: Scuola di cucina, Corso di cucina. Gli studenti possono imparare a cucinare piatti tradizionali italiani, come pasta fatta a mano, pizza e gelato, sotto la guida di chef esperti.

La scuola offre anche servizi per i disabili, come un bagno accessibile in sedia a rotelle e tavoli accessibili in sedia a rotelle, per garantire che tutti gli studenti possano partecipare alle lezioni in modo confortevole.

Toscana Saporita ha ricevuto ottime recensioni da parte dei suoi studenti. Attualmente, ci sono Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 8 recensioni su Google My Business. e la Media delle opinioni: 4.6/5.. Gli studenti hanno elogiato la scuola per la sua atmosfera accogliente, l'eccellente insegnamento e la deliziosa cucina.

Recensioni di Toscana Saporita

Toscana Saporita - Massaciuccoli, LU
Rowena Gould

Amazing the course is beautiful for its simplicity and depth. You can truly takeaway as much from the course as you want its up to you. You are given the recipes but what Sandra, Keith and Alessio teach you is the method and philosophy of the dishes which can be applied to so many more dishes than just the one you are making at that moment.

We had the opportunity to discuss how to alter the flavours and texture of dishes like adding lemon zest and black pepper to your pasta dough for a little surprise.

Once you leave you are only limited by your imagination. What a gift! Thank you Sandra, Keith and Alessio these are techniques I will enjoy using and passing on to my children.

Toscana Saporita - Massaciuccoli, LU
Lily Esposito

Incredible! I learned so much and walked away with 180 pages of authentic Tuscan recipes. With cooking school in the morning and field trips in the afternoon, my days were full of energy and fun! Thank you to Sandra and Keith!

Toscana Saporita - Massaciuccoli, LU
ken johnson

What a beautiful setting for a cooking school. It was such a great experience. Can't wait to try some of the recipes with friends and relatives. This was my first time attending any type of cooking class or cooking school. Sandra is a wonderful instructor! Can't wait to go again in 2 years!

Toscana Saporita - Massaciuccoli, LU
Erin Blute

My sister and I enjoyed a wonderful week at Toscana Saporita cooking school, where we learned all about Tuscan cooking from Sandra, Alessio and their team of fantastic chefs. It was very educational with Sandra teaching us all about the history of foods and methodology of dishes, and how we can customise everything at our own homes. We had fun learning to make pasta, gnocchi, risotto, pizza, tarts, sauces, meats, biscotti and more. The team of wonderful chefs (including Keith, Henry, Ricky, Giovanni and Vincenzo) helped us along every step of the way, and served us delicious 3-course meals at every meal. It was fun getting to know the chefs and the other people attending the cooking school at our communal group meals. A highlight was the truffle hunt where we went out with a dog, Giotto, at Savini Tartufo and found some white truffles. We spent the afternoons touring the local cities (Lucca, San Gimignano, Pisa etc.) with the school's knowledgeable guide and driver, Tony. The farmhouse itself has a very original, local and Italian feel. I would recommend this school to anyone interested in learning Italian cooking skills in a friendly, informative and fun way!

Toscana Saporita - Massaciuccoli, LU
Kimberly Distilli

This was a bucket list trip for me being Italian and loving to cook. The experience was authentic, the food was amazing and the team was energetic and fun! We would highly recommend others to come have an authentic Tuscan experience! Loved Sandra and her team!

Toscana Saporita - Massaciuccoli, LU

I just took the Advanced course at this school and I would NOT recommend it. They do not deliver the course they advertise. I received a reply from the Director that she will not provide the services advertised because nobody else complained that they cut hours or that most of the lessons are a repeat of the Basic class. In my opinion false advertising. See Tripadvisor review for all the details...the details were too long for Google to post it seems.

Toscana Saporita - Massaciuccoli, LU
addy van Stuijvenberg

De bediening was super vriendelijk en de broodjes waren top!

Toscana Saporita - Massaciuccoli, LU
Debora Piquetti

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