Second Star Sailing - Marina di Pisa, Provincia di Pisa

Indirizzo: Via Francesco Barbolani, 22, 56128 Marina di Pisa PI.
Telefono: 02237822.
Sito web:
Specialità: Scuola di vela, Scuola.
Altri dati di interesse: Caratteristiche: di proprietà di donne, Corsi online, Servizi in loco, Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle, Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle.
Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 14 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 4.6/5.

Posizione di Second Star Sailing

Il Second Star Sailing è una scuola di vela situata in un luogo incantevole, precisamente in Via Francesco Barbolani, 22, 56128 Marina di Pisa PI.

Questa scuola di vela, fondata e gestita da donne, offre corsi di vela teorici e pratici per principianti ed esperti. Il Second Star Sailing ha una media di opinione di 4.6/5 basata su 14 recensioni su Google My Business.

Caratteristiche che rendono unica questa scuola sono i corsi online e i servizi in loco. La scuola è accessibile a persone in sedia a rotelle, con un ingresso e un parcheggio dedicati. Il Second Star Sailing mette a disposizione delle sue alunne e dei suoi alunni una flotta di barche a vela modernamente equipaggiate, garantendo sicurezza e professionalità.

Sul sito web della scuola,, è possibile trovare tutte le informazioni sui corsi e le attività offerte. Il sito web è intuitivo e facile da navigare, con una sezione dedicata alle domande frequenti e alle recensioni degli studenti.

La location del Second Star Sailing è un'altra delle sue caratteristiche distintive. La scuola si trova a Marina di Pisa, una località turistica rinomata della Toscana, conosciuta per le sue spiagge e il suo mare cristallino. Gli studenti e le studentesse possono godere di un ambiente accogliente e rilassante, e sfruttare il tempo libero per esplorare le bellezze della zona.

Il Second Star Sailing offre una vasta gamma di corsi di vela, adatti a tutte le esigenze e a tutti i livelli di esperienza. I corsi sono tenuti da istruttori professionisti e qualificati, con un approccio personalizzato e attento alle esigenze di ogni studente.

Recensioni di Second Star Sailing

Second Star Sailing - Marina di Pisa, Provincia di Pisa
Luca Ludergnani

Appena rientrato da una 2gg formativa. L'istruttore Ettore nonostante la giovane età oltre che ad una grandissima esperienza velica e cultura marina ha una vera passione per l'insegnamento. Riesce a trasferire nozioni trucchi e insegnamenti con estrema gentilezza e efficacia. Consigliatissimo.

Second Star Sailing - Marina di Pisa, Provincia di Pisa
marco delapierre

Bellissima esperienza di navigazione con Lyssandra e Giordana! Grazie, torneremo presto!

Second Star Sailing - Marina di Pisa, Provincia di Pisa
Neil Riemann

Just completed RYA Competent Crew in Antigua. Instruction was first rate. Sailing environment was excellent too. There were some mechanical and electrical issues with new equipment installed on our boat, but they were quickly resolved because everyone at the base worked to fix them after hours and, in some cases, on their day off. Just as our crew of novices worked together as a team on the boat, I felt that the Second Star team worked together to show us how it should be done. I look forward to getting back.

Second Star Sailing - Marina di Pisa, Provincia di Pisa
Jonathan Soffer

I just completed a five day RYA Day Skipper course with Second Star Sailing in Pisa. It was amazing, as much as for the teaching as for the incredible beauty of cruising around the Gulf of Poets and the famous Cinque Terre. Ettore was the best sailing instructor I have had in the eight years since I began sailing. I learned so much from him! But I'm a teacher and I also observed his excellent technique with my very nice crewmates, who were taking the beginning Competent Crew course. I wish I had had him to teach me when I began sailing.
Giordana was also extremely kind and helpful with the logistics, particularly when I had to reschedule the course. I didn't just pass a qualification, but I really learned better boat handling and new techniques from the RYA that we don't always get taught in the US. We even performed a small, actual rescue of an RIB that lost its engine, which we towed in to a nearby dock This was invaluable experience. They have my highest recommendation.

Second Star Sailing - Marina di Pisa, Provincia di Pisa
Maxime Epars

I had a really nice experience with Second Star Sailing for passing competent crew and day skipper levels. The enrolling procedure was straightforward, instructors onboard were professional, attentive and created a fun and caring atmosphere on the yacht with the other participants. Overall I learned a lot and had good times, thus I highly recommend this school!

Second Star Sailing - Marina di Pisa, Provincia di Pisa
Ahmet Peynircioğlu

I've completed the RYA Day Skipper Course in May and came back to do Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Course, before setting off for a mile building trip from Malta to Canary Islands.

The instructors, Lyssandra and Thalita have a wealth of knowledge and tailor courses according to your learning pace. They're caring, attentive, friendly and professional.

Among the RYA Training Centres I've been to, Second Star Sailing stands out with strong emphasis on safety and planning. Attention to detail within the boat is exceptional. You're encouraged to explore and get as much experience as possible, while being involved in every aspect of sailing. This, I think, is crucial for building self confidence and makes sailing with them interesting and enjoyable.

I have to admit the location also helps. Marina di Pisa is usually sunny, its yacht club has good "aperativos" for the evening and when it comes to longer cruises, sailing in the Mediterranean around dolphins, sea turtles and flying fishes is just wonderful.

Second Star Sailing - Marina di Pisa, Provincia di Pisa
Lewis Allan

The best sailing school. The courses provided are excellent. lyssandra who was my instructor was extremely helpful and knowledgable. If you are trying to decide which sailing school to go for, this is the one for you

Second Star Sailing - Marina di Pisa, Provincia di Pisa

This is a great club that offers an RYA courses. We had a wonderful time during our RYA competent crew course in Marina di Pisa this April. I highly recommend this sailing school and hope to be back.

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